Monday, August 29, 2011

10 Weeks out!!!

Hello my dear sweet friends,

First off let me say im sorry its been so long since Ive posted on my blog. Its been a summer of change and has been keeping me very busy. This Texas heat is killing me as well!! I cant wait for fall to get here which also means football!! Oh yeah I love my Cowboys!!

As you know I use my blog to inspire women (or men!) to make fitness a part of there life. So headsup this blog is not used for here say talk its based around fitness and nutrition. Here say talk can me found on my facebook all day lol. Im not shy when it comes to expressing myself.

Since my last post somethings have changed I have decided to compete in the Las Vegas Classic on November 5, 2011 I will be doing the womens bodybuilding category probley middleweight. So im taking this opportunity to share with everybody my contest prep. Next year I will be focusing on the physique division.

*Please remember* that my way of training and dieting is extreme due to me getting ready for a show. Im not posting this so people can follow what im doing exactly. Im a personal trainer and I would never put my non-competing clients on a competition diet or training program. If you are looking for a diet and nutrition program email me personally at I would love to help you no matter what your goals are.

This week im 10 weeks out so diet is not too bad yet. I can't reveal my exact diet but I will give you overview of what it is. Im consuming alot of sweet potatoes through out the day so I can preserve as much muscle as I can. My protein intake is high mainly chicken, ground turkey, steak,egg whites and little bit of talipa. Im not eating alot of fish right now but the closer I get to my show fish will be my main source of protein. Im also drinking 2 gallons of water a day. I throw protein shakes(Dymatize or Gaspari) in when I have to usually immediately after workout mixed with glutamine powder for muscle recovery. All these is based on my eating every 2 hours and weighing my food out is a must! I usually cook all my food on Sunday and have all my meals individually separated out for the week. Preparation is key!!

As far as my workouts right now; still lifting extremely heavy. My cardio is at a hour a day on stepmill. Closer I get it will just depend on how I look on how much I will up it to might be two hours a day. I want to come in nice and tight.

Tonight Im hitting back. Mainly focusing on my v-taper(having a nice wide back and tight waist).
Gameplan for tonight:Back
Always warm-up with assisted pull ups till I feel like im ready
wide grip pulldowns (usually 4 sets last set drop set ,12 to 15 reps)
Low Rows narrow grip
dumbbell rows (use straps I go very heavy )
horizontal wide grip row machine (hammer strength)
Wide grip pullovers
hypers with a 45 plate
This is just a mock of what I think Ill be doing cause I usually just fly by seat of my pants. Where ever the wind blows me.
Always making sure I leave exhausting every muscle.
Tonight I will end the workout with a hour on step mill........agh not my favorite but has to be done

SO there is my gameplan for tonight!

On another note have other things Im taking care of for this show. Currently shopping around for a suit , still booking photoshoots around week of the show and getting all travel and hotel arrangements nailed down. So much to do so im trying to get it all done early so I dont have to worry about it at last minute . Just want to focus on my training and not the B.S.

ALright wrapping it up here. Ill post a link to the show info just in case anybody wants to come support me ! At least there are plenty of places to party afterwards! Vegas baby!

Much love!

Jaimi Mize
Ladybug Fitness

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